Stolle, the world’s leading supplier of two piece can and end-making machinery for the global canmaking industry, asked ruef to create a bank of 3D models of Stolle machines used in beverage can and end production lines. Like many industries, photos and videos of top secret production lines would be impossible to capture. The alternative was to recreate these machines as 3D models for the purpose of developing marketing assets and sales tools. The project evolved into the UI design and initial development of an interactive mobile sales tool using 3D renders of a full can production line.

our process
ruef 3D designers were provided cell phone photography of Stolle machines, direct from the manufacturer. Using these reference images, the ruef Creative team developed 3D renders of each machine so that the models could be featured in promotional materials and sales tools. The sharp and sedulously accurate 3D models were able to represent Stolle’s products in a clean and beautiful state – conditions quite the opposite of a fast and hectic production environment. Another benefit of 3D modeling is the ease of multi-purpose use, including in interactive applications, videos, and animations.

Overall, ruef was able to design and develop over a dozen highly-detailed 3D models, as well as 30+ ancillary non-Stolle models, resulting in close to 50 3D assets for the heavy machinery manufacturer. These assets are now being used in sales brochures, promotional materials, presentations, and the Stolle website.