Elliott Tool Technologies, a leading tube tool manufacturer and supplier, needed a way to show off two of the companies flagship products (the Rapid Hawk Hybrid Series Assisted Tube Rolling System and the Super Collet Tube Puller) in a high-end, clean, and cutting-edge way. These tube tools the company produces are usually used in grimy, greasy environments.
The best way to show things that can’t be captured in live action video (or “in-camera”) is to use 3D technical animation. But first, the ruef video production and photography crew spent a full day at the Elliott Tool manufacturing center to capture video of the equipment in use.
Back at the ruef offices, the 3D design and animation crew were hard at work recreating the two pieces of equipment in high-detail 3D renders. These renders, along with 2D motion graphics elements, were combined in a 4K video edit with a professional voice over and unique stock music.
The videos are presented on the product pages of the Rapid Hawk and the Super Tube Puller on the Elliott website, and are used regularly in sales and marketing presentations and meetings. Due to the success of these video campaigns, ruef and Elliott are currently working on the next series of product videos.