how 3D and technical
animation benefits industrial
marketing strategies

how 3D and technical animation benefits industrial marketing strategies

how 3D and technical
animation benefits industrial marketing strategies

marketing benefits of 3D and technical animation for manufacturers and industrial processors

the top 7 benefits of 3D and technical animations for manufacturers

3D is all around us. It’s in our movies, our TV shows, commercials, children’s programs, sports programs, apps and video games. And it has become a helpful tool for many industries, including manufacturing, architecture, medicine, engineering, and science. We know from experience working with our manufacturing and industrial clients that 3D technical animation is an invaluable tool.
3D is all around us. It’s in our movies, our TV shows, commercials, children’s programs, sports programs, apps and video games. And it has become a helpful tool for many industries, including manufacturing, architecture, medicine, engineering, and science. We know from experience working with our manufacturing and industrial clients that it is an invaluable tool.

3D is so ingrained in our day-to-day lives, it can be difficult to understand its full potential for industrial marketing applications.

We once had a client request “technical illustrations” for a publication his organization produces. It was a term we had not considered for ruef Creative’s core service, but it makes a great deal of sense.

Here at ruef, we use 3D animation and 3D renders to create photo-realistic, highly technical illustrations and videos. The very same tools that are used in blockbuster movies to make Spider-Man swing and Harry Potter fly can be used for our manufacturing and industrial clients (in fact, ruef's founder/owner, Zack Ruef, used to work on those very films). And you don’t need a Hollywood budget; most of our clients are mid-size manufacturers, distributors, and engineers.

We can reference images and CAD drawings of products and processes and create 3D renderings that can be used in various marketing communications.

What’s the benefit to manufacturers? How can highly rendered 3D technical animations and illustrations help industrial marketing strategies?

Would your product or process shine in 3D? Tell us about it!
technical animation of can manufacturing equipment

marketing, sales, training, education...
your technical animation is your star employee that never sleeps

Whether we're starting with your highly precise CAD files or working from a simple set of reference photos, we can turn your product or process into beautiful, photo-realistic 3D models of highly-detailed, engineered products, landscapes and concepts with clarity and precision. From there we can create infographics, interactive programs, videos, and technical animations that you can put to work marketing your business, increasing your sales, training your employees and educating your client base.

You don't need to be a Fortune 500 company to take advantage of this technology. We work with businesses of all sizes to help them compete in a wide variety of industries and marketplaces. ruef Creative helps companies around the world from our home base in Dayton, Ohio -- long a hub of innovation and champion of the world's doers and makers.

our technical animations in action

Here are just two examples of our technical animations in action. The first video is an example of a technical process animation -- as you can see, a complex, lengthy and highly technical process can be distilled into an engaging and informative video that could not be clearly expressed with any other type of visual production.

The second video is an example of a technical product animation. Our in house production team is able to use 3D modeling techniques, advanced rendering software, and good old fashioned animation know-how to create a technical product video for an otherwise impossible look our client's new industrial product.

Check out our videos and read on to see some of the top benefits of 3D and technical animation -- and start thinking about how your business can take advantage of the power of a technical animation!

the top 7 benefits of 3D and technical animation for manufacturers

Ever wondered what a turbine engine looks like cut right down the middle? Your customers are just as curious about your products. When you give your customers a view of your product that simply isn’t possible in the real world, you give them an unprecedented understanding that takes selling your product features and benefits to a whole new level. Imagine being able to show them the “inside” of your machines and tools: we can create that in 3D. We can cut machinery in half to show its inner functions and give a more basic understanding of how it works.

1. “cut” a machine or product in half

Ever wondered what a turbine engine looks like cut right down the middle? Your customers are just as curious about your products. When you give your customers a view of your product that simply isn’t possible in the real world, you give them an unprecedented understanding that takes selling your product features and benefits to a whole new level. Imagine being able to show them the “inside” of your machines and tools: we can create that in 3D. We can cut machinery in half to show its inner functions and give a more basic understanding of how it works.
Ever wondered what a turbine engine looks like cut right down the middle? Your customers are just as curious about your products. When you give your customers a view of your product that simply isn’t possible in the real world, you give them an unprecedented understanding that takes selling your product features and benefits to a whole new level. Imagine being able to show them the “inside” of your machines and tools: we can create that in 3D. We can cut machinery in half to show its inner functions and give a more basic understanding of how it works.
3D technical illustration of pump cut in half

2. show an entire process, end-to-end

The 3D technical illustrations and animations we produce here at ruef can show entire production floors and manufacturing processes all at once. What was once difficult to explain to someone unfamiliar with a process is now simple and direct. There isn’t a more effective sales tool for someone trying to communicate an entire process end-to-end. Take it to the next level and get the whole line moving with a 3D animated video.
The 3D technical illustrations and animations we produce here at ruef can show entire production floors and manufacturing processes all at once. What was once difficult to explain to someone unfamiliar with a process is now simple and direct. There isn’t a more effective sales tool for someone trying to communicate an entire process end-to-end. Take it to the next level and get the whole line moving with a 3D animated video.
technical animation of beverage line

3. get rid of the grime

You and your team work hard; your products and processes deserve to look beautiful. Manufacturing and industrial environments are often full of dust, oil, dirt, soot – you name it. 3D renderings and animations have the ability to show these real-world environments in a pristine new light.
You and your team work hard; your products and processes deserve to look beautiful. Manufacturing and industrial environments are often full of dust, oil, dirt, soot – you name it. 3D renderings and animations have the ability to show these real-world environments in a pristine new light.

4. cameras can’t go everywhere

High speeds, high temperatures, and operational safety requirements can make it difficult, or impossible, to accurately capture industrial and manufacturing processes with actual cameras and a film crew. 3D bypasses these limitations entirely, showing operations and processes in highly rendered, realistic visuals. 
High speeds, high temperatures, and operational safety requirements can make it difficult, or impossible, to accurately capture industrial and manufacturing processes with actual cameras and a film crew. 3D bypasses these limitations entirely, showing operations and processes in highly rendered, realistic visuals. 
technical animation of tube rolling system

5. see the unseen and the abstract

Another major difficulty is capturing the parts and processes that are nearly microscopic. How do you observe something that is too small to be seen with the human eye? How do you visually share something that is abstract or only conceptual? 3D animation allows us to get a zoomed-in and detailed look at these hard-to-see or hard-to-visualize pieces.
Another major difficulty is capturing the parts and processes that are nearly microscopic. How do you observe something that is too small to be seen with the human eye? How do you visually share something that is abstract or only conceptual? 3D animation allows us to get a zoomed-in and detailed look at these hard-to-see or hard-to-visualize pieces.
free water bound water technical illustration

6. bring concepts and spaces to life

Visualizing product designs, industrial designs, and architectural concepts can be difficult. Fortunately, 3D animation and 3D renders are extremely useful for prototyping new ideas and innovations to create a clearer vision. This makes it easier to make changes to the design and create a perfect finished product or process prior to manufacturing, production, or breaking ground.
Visualizing product designs, industrial designs, and architectural concepts can be difficult. Fortunately, 3D animation and 3D renders are extremely useful for prototyping new ideas and innovations to create a clearer vision. This makes it easier to make changes to the design and create a perfect finished product or process prior to manufacturing, production, or breaking ground.
architectural 3d rendering

7. simplify the complex

With 3D animation and 3D renders, ruef can create a broad and heightened view of how something operates while it is functioning. The most complex products, services, and processes can be shown with simple, easy-to-understand visuals.
With 3D animation and 3D renders, ruef can create a broad and heightened view of how something operates while it is functioning. The most complex products, services, and processes can be shown with simple, easy-to-understand visuals.

beautiful, photo-realistic 3D models of highly-detailed, engineered products

beautiful, photo-realistic 3D models of highly-detailed, engineered products

Engineers who work in programs like SolidWorks and AutoDesk can create highly detailed (and often highly technical) product designs and manufacturing processes. These CAD files are often quite large and complex and are usually rendered for practical purposes rather than for marketing materials.

With 3D technical illustrations and animations, we can take that massive CAD design file, or even just photographic references, and create beautiful, photo-realistic 3D models of highly-detailed, engineered products, landscapes and concepts with clarity and precision, all with the goal of helping our clients with sales and marketing efforts through infographics, interactive programs, videos, and animations.

Similarly, we can take and interpret your architectural sketches and designs and create a photo-realistic rendering of any project before it’s even built, or a fly-through animation or interactive sales tool that allows the user to emerge themselves within a 3D environment.

Imagine your sales team being able to walk a trade show floor with iPads showing 3D, 360° images and videos of your products in a custom-built, proprietary sales app. Let’s face it, sometimes the products we’re trying to sell in the manufacturing and industrial world can be a bit dry. With 3D animation and interactivity, the mundane can be downright inspiring.

Programs are being developed that allow consumers to place kitchen appliances and furniture inside their homes before buying them. Who’s to say manufacturers can’t sell their products the same way?

At the very least, manufacturers should be able to show their products, services, and environments in beautiful print and digital marketing materials, like brochures, trade show banners, website landing pages, and promotional videos.

To learn more about how 3D technical animations and technical illustrations can help manufacturers sell and market products, get in touch with ruef Creative. Our owner and lead designer, Zack Ruef, is a patented inventor and award-winning 3D artist, product developer, animator, and director. He leads our small team of enthusiastic designers and marketing strategists; a team built for strategic communication; a team that is engineered to work with yours.

We’re not afraid of CAD models, large machinery, or complex processes. And we’re not afraid of the future: we want to help your company prepare for it.

Engineers who work in programs like SolidWorks and AutoDesk can create highly detailed (and often highly technical) product designs and manufacturing processes. These CAD files are often quite large and complex and are usually rendered for practical purposes rather than for marketing materials.

With 3D technical illustrations and animations, we can take that massive CAD design file, or even just photographic references, and create beautiful, photo-realistic 3D models of highly-detailed, engineered products, landscapes and concepts with clarity and precision, all with the goal of helping our clients with sales and marketing efforts through infographics, interactive programs, videos, and animations.

Similarly, we can take and interpret your architectural sketches and designs and create a photo-realistic rendering of any project before it’s even built, or a fly-through animation or interactive sales tool that allows the user to emerge themselves within a 3D environment.

Imagine your sales team being able to walk a trade show floor with iPads showing 3D, 360° images and videos of your products in a custom-built, proprietary sales app. Let’s face it, sometimes the products we’re trying to sell in the manufacturing and industrial world can be a bit dry. With 3D animation and interactivity, the mundane can be downright inspiring.

Programs are being developed that allow consumers to place kitchen appliances and furniture inside their homes before buying them. Who’s to say manufacturers can’t sell their products the same way?

At the very least, manufacturers should be able to show their products, services, and environments in beautiful print and digital marketing materials, like brochures, trade show banners, website landing pages, and promotional videos.

To learn more about how 3D technical animations and technical illustrations can help manufacturers sell and market products, get in touch with ruef Creative. Our owner and lead designer, Zack Ruef, is a patented inventor and award-winning 3D artist, product developer, animator, and director. He leads our small team of enthusiastic designers and marketing strategists; a team built for strategic communication; a team that is engineered to work with yours.

We’re not afraid of CAD models, large machinery, or complex processes. And we’re not afraid of the future: we want to help your company prepare for it.

Let's create a good idea together.