a mini white-paper by

creative services
that help businesses grow
audiences want INFORMATION
So why is it that so many companies—the vast majority, really—can’t seem to get over this tried-and-true fact about inherent human nature? Why is it that when it comes to promotional/marketing videos and copy, so very many companies lean entirely on the archaic convention of telling you about who they are, what they do, and what makes them the “#1 industry leader”?
At ruef Creative, we have one question for those who haven’t yet figured out the customer base—along with everyone else—has moved on to the 21st century. It’s a different era, a different culture, and certainly a very different marketplace with clients who (let’s just finally say it) don’t want to be sold to.
audiences want EDUCATION
we can help you CREATE:
- Specifically voiced content that will present to your individual marketplace a forward-thinking “educational tone” instead of a tired and traditional “marketing tone”
- Videos and interactive web assets that will open up an audience to be “influenced” rather than “sold to”
- Customized and nuanced strategies that will position your company as a “thought leader” in your industry
- Logistical back-end monitoring and irrefutable data that will help you to better understand your industry and even how your own services/products/content are being viewed by your audience
- Practical methodologies for working with or even, yes, further “hacking” nebulous, AI-based online algorithms via the likes of YouTube and Google Search to create a regular system of “inbound sales” opportunities across the digital realm (*HINT: This means customers will end up seeking YOU out, as opposed to the other way around)
Are you a thought leader in your industry? Let's educate your potential customers, together.
Best of all, at ruef Creative, we’re real people who establish with you a real relationship. Yes, with us, you get yourself some actual, breathing, mindful, sentient, flesh-and-blood human beings. Yes, we know the tricks of the trade. Yes, we have the technological knowhow and wherewithal to get “the machine” up and running, humming along so that we and it can do the work for you in captivating and engaging potential audience members in your particular field.
But … we also will remain there throughout that process, checking in as need be at appropriate milestones for the occasional “tune up” and market analysis dialogue with you and your team members about how it’s all working (or maybe not working) out.
What has to be tweaked? What needs to be eliminated? What’s changing dramatically in your industry? What’s changing in the months and even years to come for your company and field? That’s what we remain there to help you out with as needed, rather than merely setting up a strategy, flipping the switch, and seeing ourselves out at the door never to return.
video marketing that goes beyond
At ruef Creative, we remain your dedicated partner for as long as you need us to confirm that whatever we’ve set up for you, whatever we’ve worked on—that it endures and, by proxy, helps your company endure too. We stick it out further than that even, to do what we can to make sure your company in fact flourishes.
The status quo, after all, is for suckers. That’s “old hat.” That’s yesterday. That’s last year. That’s last era. That’s Mad Men. Cute for a TV show, but a complete waste of time and—worse—resources (read: capital investment) for a modern-day business venture.
We’re here to help. And as such, we’re here to help you better help your clients and potential clients alike.
Just take it from our namesake founder and director, Zack Ruef:
“Simply put, educational and instructional content performs much better than traditional marketing ploys. Although there will always be a time and place for traditional onboarding videos, promotional pieces, and straight-up ad copy, unless it’s particularly eye-catching, laugh-out-loud funny, or just plain on ‘have-to-see-it-NOW’ viral, audiences these days will mostly move on. We recommend to our clients to consider instead the value of providing real content. Talk about a ubiquitous problem or answer a vital question being asked by your industry. Provide real-world solutions and answers by showcasing your expertise to do so. Or just create material—visual or otherwise—that will exhibit you know the needs of your business better than anyone else; don’t just tell people that, actually show them through content they will actually want to read, see, hear, and even share.”
At ruef Creative, we don’t merely accrue and follow the data. We’re here to analyze and understand, listen to, and collaborate with the people behind that data. Come find out how we make that stance work for you and your company now:
Ready to get started in video marketing?
Let's create a good idea together.